
Watsonfly operates out of Innisfail Airport, situated approximately an hour drive South of Cairns, and only a short 10 mins from Innisfail CBD.

Address: Innisfail Airport, Mundoo, QLD, AUSTRALIA.

The township: The Innisfail township is home to a population of approximately 10,000 residences and is a major service hub for the Cassowary Coast region. It has a wide range of shops including national retail outlets, such as Coles, Woolworths, Kmart, etc, along with many national food chains and other eateries. Accommodation is equally available, with various hotels, motels, van parks and bed and breakfast style lodging.

With access to two World Heritage Areas – the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and the Wet Tropics rainforests – the town is surrounded by beautiful natural attractions. Etty Bay, Flying Fish Point, Cowley Beach and Kurrimine Beach – to name a few.

The airport: Situated only a short drive from the township, Innisfail airport is home to crop dusting, recreational and General Aviation aircraft alike. With very little local and external traffic the airport boasts a sealed 5000ft+ runway and grassed cross-strip, perfect for practicing cross wind landings. With a dedicated training area to the South-East of the field, Innisfail airport is a great spot to learn to fly. Furthermore, Innisfail maintains an all-weather airport, with metrological information provided regularly which is great for devising the best time to fly. Observation reports along with regular forecasts (TAFs) are available from the BOM website here. For the weekly outlook please click here.


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